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Health Insurance on EMI


Tax Savings
under section​​ 80D#
7300+ Cashless
hospital network
Up​​​​to 15%
a​ttractive discount*
Monthly EMI
starting at ₹381​**​


With COVID-19 posing an unprecedented health risk to millions, and the skyrocketing cost of treatment that can burn a hole in the pocket for as much as ₹15-₹20 lakhs in one go; it has become imperative for every individual to be covered with a health insurance plan and Health Gain is one such comprehensive health insurance plan that covers you for hospitalisation for illness and injuries including COVID-19 hospitalisation.

Buying adequate sum-insured to cover oneself and family is another extremely important factor while choosing a health plan, so that the insurance can provide you a wholesome coverage in times of medical emergency. But the desire of paying lesser premium, leads people to compromise on lower sum-insured and end up with high out-of-pocket expenses during hospitalisation.

To address this demand, we are introducing our pioneering Health Insurance Policy – Health Gain on Monthly EMI. This will take up all the hassles related to one-time annual premium payment and you can opt for a higher sum-insured by paying the premium in small monthly installments or quarterly EMIs i.e. 4 easy installments every quarter. This policy is best for those who would like a higher sum assured, but cannot afford to pay the premium at one go.​​​

Features & Benefits offered by Reliance Health Gain EMI Insurance –​

​Key Features​
​Benefits By Reliance General​

Sum Insured

3 Lacs to 1 Cr***

EMI Facility

Monthly EMI Starts at 381​₹**

Policy Period

​1/2/3 Years

Policy Type

Individual, Family Floater

Cashless Hospitalization

7300+ Cashless Hospitals

Age Eligibility

Child: 91 days to 25 years#

Adult: 18 years to 65 years#


Zero, Online Policy Purchase

Pre-Post Hospitalization

Covered upto Specified Limit

Claim Settlement Ratio

100%* Claims Settled

Tax Benefits

Upto 1 Lac ₹ under 80D


Zero, Online Policy Purchase

Initial Waiting Period

30 Days

Voluntary Co-payment

Option Available***

Coronavirus Cover



More Cover, More Time, More Global***


**​Cost mentioned in the advertisement / SMS is a per month base premium excluding taxes and levies for single person aging between 5 to 20 years for sum Insured of Rs. 3 lacs considering no adverse health conditions/preexisting disease/medical conditions.​​

#For health infinity insurance

*For each claim-free year, subject to a max of 50%

***For Health Infinity Insurance​​​​​​

Want to know more about the install​ment options? Take a look at this!​

Health Gain Individual Cover for 1 Adult, Age 25 Years​

Choose sum insured (in Rs.) Annual Premium (in Rs.)​​ Quarterly EMI Premium Installment (in Rs.) Monthly EMI Premium Installment (in Rs.)
3 Lakhs4700
1,246 423
6 Lakhs 5875 1,557 529
9 Lakhs 7728 2,048 696

Health Gain Family Floater Cover for 2 Adults + 1 Child, Eldest Member Age 35 Years​

Choose sum insured (in Rs.) Annual Premium (in Rs.)​​ Quarterly EMI Premium Installment (in Rs.) Monthly EMI Premium Installment (in Rs.)
3 Lakhs8138
2,157 732
6 Lakhs 10756 2,850 968
9 Lakhs 12795 3,391 1,152

- Premium displayed is excluding GST and installment option is appli​cable on a policy period of 1 year only​
​- Monthly EMI premium amount is inclusive of the 8% interest on base premium amount​
- ​Quarterly EMI​ premium amount is inclusive of the 6% interest on base premium amount​

Avail Attractive Discounts* of up to a maximum of 15% cumulatively:​

  • 5% discount for girl child or single women
  • 5% family discount if all members buy an individual policy (not applicable on family floater)
  • 5% discount on existing policyholders of Reliance Private Car Package policy.
  • 7.5% policy tenure discount for 2 years policy.

Total cumulative discounts shall not exceed over 15% and are applicable on Health Gain Policy only.​​

Try other features​:

Check out our other products: Arogya Sanjeevani PolicyPersonal Accident Insurance and Critical Illness Insurance.

Looking for a great taxing saving investment?

As per section 80D​,​ avail deductions of up to ​ Rs 1,00,000# on medical insurance premium. Take a look at below table to know more about the available deductions from gross total income and avail tax benefit of upto Rs. 35,880/-##:

DescriptionMedical Insurance Premium Paid forTotal deduction under section 80D
Self, Spouse and Dependent ChildrenParents (Whether Dependent or Not)
No one has attained the age of 60 Years ` 25,000 ` 25,000 ` 50,000
Assessee and his family is less than 60 years and parents are above 60 years of age ` 25,000 ` 50,000 ` 75,000
Assessee and his parents have attained the age of 60 years and above ` 50,000 ` 50,000 ` 1,​​​​00,000

#Deductions are subject to provisions of Sec.80D of the Income Tax Act, 1961 'the Act' and applicable amendments and are subject to change in the tax laws. 80D deduction is subject to fulfillment of terms and conditions mentioned in the Act.
##​ Considering maximum marginal rate of tax @35.88% including surcharge and cess.​

What we cover-


This health insurance policy is a perfect foil for any unseen problems you might face during your treatment. Here's a quick look at what your policy covers.

Hospitalisation expenses in case of:

  • In-patient treatment for covered illnesses /injuries, where the insured person is hospitalised for more than 24 consecutive hours.
  • Day-care treatment for surgeries /procedures, where the insured person requires less than 24 hours of hospitalisation due to advanced technology. For the list of Day care treatment. (Please refer to Annexure -I of the policy wordings)

Pre-hospitalisati​on coverage:

Medical expenses incurred before hospitalisation. Under the HealthGain policy, you will get coverage for 60 days.

Post-hospitalisation coverage:

Medical expenses incurred after hospitalisation. Under the HealthGain policy, you will get coverage for 60 days.

Domestic Road Ambulance:

Expenses for domestic-road ambulance services to the nearest hospital in case of life threatening emergencies. Under Plan A, your medical insurance policy would pay upto Rs 1,500 and upto Rs 3,000 under Plan B.

Donor expenses:

These are expenses incurred by the organ donor. We will cover up to 50% of the base sum insured, subject to a maximum of Rs. 5 lakh/-.

Domiciliary hospitalisation:

  • Sometimes it is not possible to move the patient to a hospital because of their condition or lack of accommodation at the hospital. In such cases, the patient can be treated at home. This is called ‘domiciliary hospitalisation’.
  • Medical expenses for such cases will be covered if the treatment continues for a minimum of three days.

Re-instatement of base sum insured:

If you exhaust your entire sum insured & cumulative bonus (if any) and still require further hospitalisation for any related or unrelated illness, we will refill the full Sum Insured at no extra cost. (Please refer to Annexure -II of the policy wordings of this mediclaim policy)

Cumulative bonus:

  • This is a bonus awarded at the end of each claim free policy period. When you do make a claim in any given mediclaim policy period.
  • If you don’t make any claims on your policy for a year, you earn a cumulative bonus of 33.33% on your base sum insured, at no extra cost. However, the cumulative bonus can be accumulated equal to the amount of base sum insured. 
  • When you do make a claim in any given policy period, the bonus earned shall be decreased by 33.33% of the base sum insured, in the subsequent year. However, this will not reduce the initial base sum insured of your health insurance plan & your maximum reduction of cumulative bonus would be zero.

Call Option:

  • If you do not make any claim on your policy for 4 consecutive years, then by end of the 4th year your cumulative bonus will be equal to your base sum insured. In the 5th year, you can choose the “Call Option” to double your sum insured by adding this earned cumulative bonus.
  • Thereafter, you can accumulate the cumulative bonus again.

Please note that you can choose the Call Option only twice in your lifetime.

Claim service guarantee:

  • Cashless health insurance claims: If we’re unable to respond within 6 business hours, even after you have completed claim request with correct documentation and information, we will be liable to pay 1% of the claim amount to you, subject to a maximum liability of 6%.
  • Reimbursement of Claims: Similarly, if we’re unable to respond within 21 days, even after you have completed your claim request with correct documentation and information, we will be liable to pay 1% of the claim amount to you, subject to a maximum liability of 6%.

Policy service guarantee:

  • If, even after receiving all completed documents (including Medical reports, as applicable and premium), there is a delay of more than 10 working days from us in issuing your policy issuance, we will pay you onetime additional sum insured of Rs 10,000/- under Plan A and Rs 20,000/- under Plan B.
  • This will be applicable only for 1 year Policy Period and not for renewals/ auto-renewals.

Accidental death cover for no claim renewal:

  • Under Plan B, we will provide you an accidental death cover of Rs. 1 Lakh/- at the end of every claim-free policy year with our Company.   
  • This cover will be valid for only one year.
  • This is applicable only if the policy holder is also the insured person in the policy.

Heal​th Insurance Renewal:

  • You can renew your medical insurance policy for free, under Plan B, if the person insured in the policy is diagnosed with a 'named critical illness' (Named critical illness can  be referred in the policy wordings).
  • This benefit is provided once in the lifetime .
  • This is applicable only if the policy holder is also the insured person in the policy.

Modern Treatment:

The Company will indemnify the Insured Person up to 50% of Base Sum Insured for the Medical Expenses incurred during the Policy Year on Inpatient Treatment or Day Care Treatment or Domiciliary Treatment of below mentioned Modern Treatment Methods:

  • Uterine Artery Embolization and HIFU
  • Balloon Sinuplasty
  • Deep Brain Stimulation
  • Oral Chemotherapy
  • Immunotherapy-Monoclonal Antibody to be given as injection
  • Intra Vitreal injections
  • Robotic surgeries
  • Stereotactic radio surgeries
  • Bronchical Thermoplasty
  • Vaporization of the prostrate (Green laser treatment or holmium laser treatment)
  • IONM- (Intra Operative Neutro Monitoring)
  • Stem Cell therapy: Hematopoietic stem cells for bone marrow transplant for hematological conditions
  • The claim under this benefit shall be subject to all other terms under Benefits 1 to 5.

​Wellness Solutions:

Awesome discounts on various, value-added wellness services and choice of various online solutions through our wellness program.

For more details on this mediclaim policy, please refer to the policy wordings.

What we don't cover-


As much as we’d like for your policy to cover any and all types of situations, it isn’t possible. Here are some of the exclusions in the HealthGain Policy.

  • Claims for any medical expenses that occur within 30 days of the mediclaim policy start day will not be covered, unless they occur due to an injury.
  • The following illnesses or surgeries will not be covered for the first two consecutive years from the policy start date:
    • Gout
    • Rheumatism
    • Arthritis (non-infective)
    • Joint Replacement Surgery
    • Osteoarthritis and Osteoporosis
    • Cataract
    • Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy
    • Hernia, Hydrocele (all types)
    • Nasal Septum Deviation, Sinusitis (and related disorders)
    • Surgery of Genito-Urinary System (unless necessitated by malignancy)
    • Kidney Stone/ Ureteric Stone/ Lithotripsy / Gall Bladder Stone
    • Internal Tumours, Skin Tumours, Cysts, Nodules, Polyps, Breast lumps (each of any kind), unless malignant
    • All Vertebrae Disorders (including, but not limited to, Spondylitis, Spondylosis, Spondylolisthesis & Intervertebral Disc Prolapse)
    • Benign Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Disorders and Surgeries (including, but not limited to, Adenoidectomy, Mastoidectomy, Tonsillectomy and Tympanoplasty)
  • Any conditions, ailments, injuries or related conditions, which you, the insured person, didn’t show any signs of, and /or which were diagnosed, and / or for which you received medical advice / treatment within 36 months, prior to the policy start date.
  • As per this policy a single room is defined as a room, where a single patient is accommodated and which has an attached toilet (lavatory and bath). The room may also provide provision for accommodating an attendant. Essentially, this type of room is the most basic and the most economical of all accommodations, available as a single room, in that hospital. Any room, beyond this description, is excluded from the health insurance policy coverage.
  • The following diseases or conditions are not covered in this plan, under permanent exclusions:
    • Dental treatment or surgery
    • Treatment of mental illness
    • Cosmetic, aesthetic treatment
    • Diseases such as HIV / AIDS or STDs
    • Outside India or Robotic or Stem Cells
    • War / nuclear / chemic​al / biological injuries
    • Congenital diseases (diseases present from birth)
    • Maternity- or Fertility-related conditions
    • Cost of spectacles, contact lenses and hearing aids
    • Non-allopathic, diagnostics , self-medication, unproven treatments
    • Intentional self-injury / injury under influence of alcohol, drugs / criminal acts

Take a look at our seamless claim process-

For Cashless hospi​talization-


For Reimbursement-​


Click here to know more

That's not all, there are a lot more ways to benefit from your medical insurance company. To find out how, keep reading. *T&C apply. D​etails mentioned here are for Reliance HealthGain ​Policy.​​

Health Gain Insurance FAQ


Health Gain Insurance Reviews and Ratings

Average Rating:

4.5(Based on 319 ratings)

Showing 10 reviews

  • “Thanks Reliance team.”

    A really good travel insurance cover. So easy to purchase online too. Thanks Reliance team.

    M Gupta30 June 2017, New Delhi
  • “Great Work by Reliance Travel Insurance team”

    I want to thank the global Reliance Travel Insurance team. I lost my passport while I was in London. On realizing I immediately contacted the embassy and the travel insurance assistance team. Both were cordial and genuinely helpful. Photocopying all my documents really helped my case. I am safely back home now. Phew.

    Kohli Y29 June 2017, Mumbai
  • “Policy coverage is good and the process of buying it was very easy”

    Took a family travel cover. The policy coverage is good and the process of buying it was very easy. Special thanks to the chat assistance team for their help.

    Sandeep28 June 2017, Kerala
  • “Great job guys!”

    I bought this international travel insurance to America since my wife and 5 year old child were travelling with me. We travel outside the country once a year and always buy Reliance Travel Insurance as a safety measure.

    Sv Bk26 June 2017, Gujarat
  • “Got a great price online”

    Got a great price online. Took a travel insurance for my 15 day US travel. I never fly without a travel insurance as that's a risk I do not want to take ever.

    Mahit K23 June 2017, Coimbatore
  • “Loved how easy it was to buy”

    Loved how easy it was to buy. I was at the bus stop when I purchased this travel cover. I have purchased from them before and even made a claim. Since their service was good, I take this one only.

    Aajit P22 June 2017, Navi Mumbai
  • “Home Insurance at good price”

    In today's day and age, we are really spoilt for choice. So many companies offering travel insurance. Did a lot of online research, looked for good discounts and finally settled for this one.

    Dhiraj B21 June 2017, Jalandhar
  • “Reliance helped me get a compensation for the luggage lost”

    On my way back to India my luggage was lost by the airlines and after waiting for a few days and no response from the airlines. Reliance helped me get a compensation for the luggage lost. Travel insurance is a must for international travel

    Rakhee Y19 June 2017, Mumbai
  • “Travel insurance by reliance covered all my medical expenses”

    on my trip to USA, unfortunately I met with an accident and needed immediate attention. Travel insurance by reliance covered all my medical expenses

    Vritika T16 June 2017, Gujrat
  • “Covered by student travel insurance by Reliance”

    While I was studying abroad I had a medical emergency, I had to visit the nearest hospital and all my expenses was covered by student travel insurance by reliance

    Samaira E15 June 2017, Bengaluru
  • See all reviews

​On p​urchase ​of the HealthGain policy, you get the R card! It's not just for claims, but it also gets you fabulous discounts and deals on a variety of health and lifestyle products and services.

Just download your R card here online, flash it at any of the places mentioned below (along with some photo ID) and get healthy!

Online Wellness Solution

With your HealthGain Policy, we offer you various online services that give you access to health experts 24/7 as mentioned below. Click here to avail these services 

  • Ask a Doctor: Consult a panel of physicians online to discuss any health queries and you will receive an answer in a couple of hours. You can also participate in Live Chats with our physicians during the day.
  • Ask a Specialist: For queries that require specialist's inputs, you can even consult with specialists in the area of gynaecologypaediatrics, oncology, cardiology and many more.
  • Health Risk Assessment: An automated health-service toll that helps you to assess your own health.
  • Get a Call from the Doctor: Request a telephone call from a general physician or a specialist to discuss any health issues on your phone.
  • Get a Call from a CounsellorRequest a call from a counsellor to discuss any personal issues with work, family or any other inter-personal issues.
  • Get a Personalised Diet Plan: Get easy access to a nutritionist in the Healthcare Magic panel to get a personalised diet plan via phone or email.
  • Fix an Appointment: Fix appointments with doctors across India with our Healthcare Magic concierge service.

Average Rating:

4.5(Based on 319 ratings)

Showing 10 reviews

  • “Thanks Reliance team.”

    A really good travel insurance cover. So easy to purchase online too. Thanks Reliance team.

    M Gupta30 June 2017, New Delhi
  • “Great Work by Reliance Travel Insurance team”

    I want to thank the global Reliance Travel Insurance team. I lost my passport while I was in London. On realizing I immediately contacted the embassy and the travel insurance assistance team. Both were cordial and genuinely helpful. Photocopying all my documents really helped my case. I am safely back home now. Phew.

    Kohli Y29 June 2017, Mumbai
  • “Policy coverage is good and the process of buying it was very easy”

    Took a family travel cover. The policy coverage is good and the process of buying it was very easy. Special thanks to the chat assistance team for their help.

    Sandeep28 June 2017, Kerala
  • “Great job guys!”

    I bought this international travel insurance to America since my wife and 5 year old child were travelling with me. We travel outside the country once a year and always buy Reliance Travel Insurance as a safety measure.

    Sv Bk26 June 2017, Gujarat
  • “Got a great price online”

    Got a great price online. Took a travel insurance for my 15 day US travel. I never fly without a travel insurance as that's a risk I do not want to take ever.

    Mahit K23 June 2017, Coimbatore
  • “Loved how easy it was to buy”

    Loved how easy it was to buy. I was at the bus stop when I purchased this travel cover. I have purchased from them before and even made a claim. Since their service was good, I take this one only.

    Aajit P22 June 2017, Navi Mumbai
  • “Home Insurance at good price”

    In today's day and age, we are really spoilt for choice. So many companies offering travel insurance. Did a lot of online research, looked for good discounts and finally settled for this one.

    Dhiraj B21 June 2017, Jalandhar
  • “Reliance helped me get a compensation for the luggage lost”

    On my way back to India my luggage was lost by the airlines and after waiting for a few days and no response from the airlines. Reliance helped me get a compensation for the luggage lost. Travel insurance is a must for international travel

    Rakhee Y19 June 2017, Mumbai
  • “Travel insurance by reliance covered all my medical expenses”

    on my trip to USA, unfortunately I met with an accident and needed immediate attention. Travel insurance by reliance covered all my medical expenses

    Vritika T16 June 2017, Gujrat
  • “Covered by student travel insurance by Reliance”

    While I was studying abroad I had a medical emergency, I had to visit the nearest hospital and all my expenses was covered by student travel insurance by reliance

    Samaira E15 June 2017, Bengaluru
  • See all reviews

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