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Travel Care

Reliance General Insurance

Reliance Travel Care Insurance Policy Features

Global travel has become an essential part of the corporate world. Extensive travel leads to increased exposure to risks. With our Travel Insurance Care policy, cover all likely perils and avail extensive benefits when you are travelling abroad.

​Key Benefits:

  • Reasonable premium and wide coverage
  • Three different variants to choose from
  • Pre-existing illness and maternity covered under life threatening situations
  • Automated policy extensions for specific situations
  • For short trip, pay premium on per-day basis
  • 24-hours cashless and hassle-free claims settlement through reputed emergency assistance service provider
  • Special plans for frequent travelers to cover multiple trips​

​Reliance Travel Care Insurance Policy Coverage:

Your policy covers you against

​Medical Contingencies

Medical Expenses including transportation

  • Pays for in-patient and out-patient hospitalization
  • Medical evacuation to India
  • In case of death, flying the deceased back home

Dental Care

  • Dental expenses for acute anesthetic dental treatment due to injury covered

Personal Accident

  • Coverage against any unfortunate bodily injury due to accident

Accidental Death and Dismemberment

  • Compensation for permanent disability or loss of life while traveling as a passenger in a common carrier

Daily Hospitalization Allowance

  • Daily allowance if hospitalization exceeds two days

Compassionate Visit

  • Return fare for an immediate family member in case of hospitalization extending to more than seven consecutive days

​Personal Possession Contingencies

  • Loss of Passport
  • Reimburses the cost of obtaining a fresh or duplicate passport, in the event of a loss
  • Total loss of Checked Baggage
  • Provides compensation for total loss of checked-in baggage caused by a common carrier
  • Delay of Checked Baggage
  • Reimbursement of reasonable expenses incurred if the checked in baggage is delayed for more than 12 hours.

​Time Based Contingencies

  • Trip Delay
  • Reimbursement of additional expenses in case trip is delayed
  • Trip Cancellation and Interruption
  • Compensation for non-reimbursable, additional expenses in case the trip is cancelled or interrupted
  • Missed Connection
  • Additional expenses incurred are reimbursed if connecting flight is delayed for more than 3 hours.

​Unforeseen Event Contingencies

  • Personal Liability
  • Cover for liability to a third person caused involuntarily by your employee
  • Financial Emergency
  • Provides cash in case money is loss due to theft
  • Hijack Distress Allowance
  • Special distress allowance in the unfortunate event of a hijack of common carrier for more than 12 hours
  • Home Burglary
  • Cover against the loss at home in India if there is a burglary when employee is abroad.

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