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International travel insurance - the best option to secure your foreign trip

​Insurance is a very common word which gives a surety of financial security to an individual (mostly the insured) during an event of an unforeseen emergency. Unlike early days, when in the name of insurance the only option one had was related to life coverage, today insurance offers security and coverage towards many things. For instance –

a home insurance which covers loss and/or damages to one’s house, house content;
a car insurance which covers loss and/or damage incurred to one’s vehicle during an accident;
a health insurance which offers financial security towards emergency medical requirements.

In some developed countries, things people also insure their body parts like a renowned soccer player David Beckham is known to have insured his legs for $70 million, similarly, Michael Flatley has insured his feet for $40 million, singer Bruce Springsteen has insured his voice for as much as $31.2 million ($5.7 million in 190s), Angela Mount a wine expert has insured her taste buds for $16 million, and the list is long.

To cut a long story short, today insurance is been used for every possible thing around the world. Some may argue that unlike celebrities, a common man does not have the money to opt for such insurance policies, and therefore, he cannot spend on insurance on something like leisure. While, this argument does stand true in many cases, one situation where even a common man would feel the need of buying insurance to experience leisurely pleasures is while travelling to a foreign land.

When you plan for a foreign trip with family and friends, you would always be looking forward to a cheerful and hassle free experience . However, give a thought; while you are on a vacation in a foreign nation, what will you do if you meet an accident? Or what will be your plan of action if you lose your passport? Perhaps the chances of such occurrences are low, but then unpredictable is never invited or pre-decided. And that definitely does not make it non-existent. Thus, instead of igoring the probability of mishaps during foreign tour, it would be more wise to be prepared to face such situations by buying a travel insurance.

International travel insurance policy offers risk coverages towards emergency situations like health of the insurer while he/she is on vacation away from his country of citizenship, loss of passport, accident, loss of checked-in luggage, etc.

By buying a travel insurance policy, you can avail multiple benefits under single roof Dental Care Expenses

  • Personal Accident
  • Accidental Death and Dismemberment-Common Carrier
  • Loss of passport
  • Loss of checked-in baggage
  • Reimbursement towards Trip Delay, Trip Cancelation/ Interruption
  • Missed Connection
  • Compassionate Visit
  • Personal Liability
  • Financial Emergency Assistance
  • Home Burglary Insurance
  • Hijack Distress Allowance

Therefore, an international travel insurance plan is probably the best combination of protection and delight as it not only ensures a financial assistance in the hour of need, but also offers you a peace of mind while you are on a foreign vacation.

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