Covering your vehicle for basic insurance is a must, but if you truly want to benefit from your insurance policy, you should definitely consider some of these add-on covers
Nil Depreciation Cover
With this add-on, you can easily get rid of the 'depreciation factor' of your vehicle parts. When you make a claim, a major deduction could be charged based on the age and depreciated value of the vehicle or the parts that require replacement
Availing of this extra cover will widen the scope of your cover, provide you extra security and minimise your own expenses on the vehicle considerably. What do you need to do? Just pay a little extra premium to benefit later!
As always, there are a few important things to keep in mind :
- We offer coverage on rubber, nylon and plastic parts and fiber-glass components
We cover vehicles with a maximum age of 2 years
- We offer a maximum of 2 claims per policy period
- We can add this extra element to your policy when you get a brand new vehicle or when you renew your policy
- We cover only two-wheelers under this add on cover
- We will settle a claim made only for the insured vehicle and only if it is repaired by / at one of our authorised dealers or workshops
- We will not grant indemnity to total loss, constructive total loss or theft claims under this add on cover
Finally, there are two major exclusions that the add-on doesn't cover :
Parts not approved under the Motor Insurance Policy
- Tyres and tubes